Children's & Youth Activities
Sunday School is held every first Sunday of the month during school terms at 9.00am in the Undercroft. Pre-Primary and Primary School age children are welcome to join in the liturgy-based activities. Worship, stories and activities for specific age groups are well supervised by qualified people. Everyone goes up to the Eucharistic service in the Church in time for Holy Communion and the children stay with their families in the church for the remainder of the service.
Bible/Theology Study Groups
Christ Church Book Club meets once a month on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Church Meeting Room and is for those who are interested in exploring their faith and spirituality within the context of a chosen book studied over several months. Intellectually stimulating and thought provoking discussion is facilitated in turn each month by the participants and followed by an equally satisfying supper. The 2024 study book is “Christians” by Greg Sheridan.
Fellowship Groups
Wednesday Morning Coffee Group is held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am, this is a very informal chat group aimed at providing fellowship over a cup of coffee or tea for anyone in need of company and a good chat. Everyone is very welcome.
The Parish is a regular supporter of the Australian Board of Mission (ABM), The Bush Ministry Fund, Bush Church Aid, the Archbishop’s Emergency Relief Fund, Anglicare SQ Advent Appeal, and other spontaneous appeals as required.
Care to Cook
A team of Parishioners cook and freeze meals in individual serving size containers which are stored in the Hall kitchen until we have a substantial number, which are then taken to Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Fortitude Valley who operate a soup kitchen for those in need. New cooks to join the team are always welcome. Winter is a high-demand season, please contact the Parish Office (3870 8887) if you would like to join in this very much needed and worthwhile ministry.
Pastoral Care Group
Members of this group regularly make visits to those who are home-bound or in nursing homes. Their visits include administering Communion as requested and spending quality time with them.
Meeting of the Ways
A team of Parishioners conduct weekly classes to teach English as a second language to all comers from many different nationalities, every Thursday during school term time from 9.00am to 11.00am. They cater for complete beginners through to the more advanced. The classes are free.
Parish Choir - The Lucian Singers
The choir SINGS WEEKLY at the 9.00am Sunday Eucharist and on other special occasions and Feast Days. REHEARSALS take place on Sunday at 8:10am and 10:30am-12pm. New members are always welcome. Please CLICK HERE for further information about the Lucian Singers.
Volunteering at Christ Church St Lucia
Latest Roster - March to June 2025
We are always looking for more people to help, whether you're a long-standing member or new to our church, there's a place for everyone to contribute their time, talents, and energy.
If you are interested in making a difference, please make initial contact with the parish office or phone 07 3870 8887